April 6, 2016

Siemers Monterey Hanan #1 PTAT Female in North America

Cookiecutter Mogul Hanker | She has 2 Monterey daughters in the Top 5 PTAT Females!

Siemers Monterey Hanan is the #1 PTAT Female in North America scoring +4.21! She is a daughter of Cookiecutter Mogul Hanker and has another full sister in the Top 5 with Siemers Monterey Hanika (+4.05T).

  1. Siemers Monerey Hanan +4.21T
  2. Ms Apple Aryane *RC +4.12T
  3. Ryan-MVLoo Beemer Rapture +4.09T
  4. Siemers Monterey Hanika +4.05T
  5. Our-Favorite Voracious +4.03T